
Child Gps Tracker

           As a parent you hear on the news everyday about lost, missing,and abducted children which raises the concern about how to keep your child safe. As much as parents would like to be around their child 24/7 around the clock they know that is not possible between the parent having to go to work, and the child either being put in daycare, having to go to school or any extracurricular activities they may participate in.

When you think of a child gps tracker, the main thought in your head may be about all the tragic abduction stories you have heard through the media. But did you know that their are more cases of children being lost and not being where they are supposed to be? It can be as simple as being lost in the supermarket,running off in the park, or you turning your back to your child for one minute and you turn around and they have ventured elsewhere. You can probably remember the panic of not being able to find your son or daughter, going through the  frustration, helplessness, fear, anxiety, and stress of not being able to find them. Well you are not alone this happens to parents daily throughout the world.

Their is a solution to this the next time it happens . The solution is  getting a child gps tracker for your son or daughter. The child gps tracker will help you locate where your child is at any given moment and give you a peace of mind.

The most top rated child gps tracker is the Amber Alert gps made specifically for children.

The child gps tracker has many features that beats it's competitions.

1.Safe Zone - You are able to create a virtual boundary for your child and if they happen to go out of that boundary the gps tracker will send an alert and will continue to send alerts every 5 mins via email or text on the exact location of your child.

2.SOS Button - If your child happens to be in danger or has a medical emergency they can press down the SOS button which will alert up to 5 individuals you have designated a text and email of the exact location and will continue to send updated location points until the emergency is resolved.

3.Speed Alert - This is great if you have teens or if your child is abducted. It will tell you the exact speed of the car in which your child is in.4.Temperature Alert - This feature is very critical when children are left in hot cars.

4. Temperature Alert - This feature allows you to set a certain temperature limit your child can be in. This can really come in handy if your child is left in a hot car by someone.

5.Bread Crumbing - With this feature you can set a regular time schedule for the Amber Alert Gps to send you updates on the location of your child.

6.Destination Alert -  The child gps tracker gives you the option to receive updates when your child has arrived to either school,practice or any other location you want to make sure they made it safely to.

7.Voice Monitoring - This feature allows you to listen in on your child. The voice monitoring add on comes with 30 minutes of "listening in" time. Many parents want this feature for situations in which the SOS button is pressed and you are trying to figure out what is going on until you get there.

As you can see there are many advantages of having a child gps tracker on your kid. It keeps them safe, and gives you a peace of mind knowing that you will be able to find you child and keep track of them for their safety in any given situation.

This child gps tracker is by far one of the most top rated gps systems. They have two options you can either buy the device or rent the device.

The Amber Alert Gps system has improved since it's initial release. Before you were only able to view the location of your child via map if you had a smart phone but now they have enabled it to be put to use with a computer as well for the less tech savvy parents.

Don't Ever Lose Your Child Again!! Click Here To Learn More About New GPS Child Location Device!

Child Gps Tracker - Review and Tested

Missing Children Statistics - The Scary Truth

As we stated before a child gps tracker is very much needed in today's society. The scary truth is we live in a society where it is no longer safe to take our eyes of our kids for even a second. Just recently their was a story about a 4 year old girl who was kidnapped from her front yard while playing with her 5 year old brother, how scary is that? You can't even let your kids play in your own yard without a predator somewhere around the corner lurking.

Missing children statistics conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice says that over 797,500 children went missing in one year time. That equals to 2,185 children reported missing daily just in the united states alone!

As stated before many child abductions happen withing family members. According to the missing children statistics 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.

58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.

And out of all the missing children 115 were part of the stereo typed kidnappings we hear about in the media. In other words these are the crimes where the child did not know the person and they are held overnight,takes the child 50miles or more away from their home,kills the child,asks for ransom, or like the Jacie Dugard case wants to keep them permanently.

If only these children had a child gps tracker these numbers could have been reduced and they can be reduced the more parents become alert and aware about the advantages of gps trackers to keep their child safe.


Size Comparison of the child gps tracker

The Amber Alert Child Gps Tracker is very small and convenient as you can see from the pictures above.